Get Connected to Careers, Top-Talent and Resources
Connecting You gives job seekers the highly effective professional development tools they need while providing employers with resources to hire and retain talent. Connecting You is also the one-stop shop for all workforce development staff. With our best-in-class platform, start your journey today!

Finding a career is a journey. Discover tools and resources to help you at every step.
Connecting You is home to a diverse set of personalized tools tailored to help you identify your interests, discover growing career fields, and ultimately land a job that is perfect for you.
Streamlined case management and referral process to support job seekers at every step
Connecting You makes WIOA case management easy.
- Collect information from job seekers prior to initial meetings, having them complete their self-attestation and document uploads before ever setting foot in a workforce center
- Capture and maintain job seekers' education, employment, and referral history
- Seamlessly refer students to resources across the broader community
- Effortlessly generate the reports you need to make data-driven decisions
Supporting the success of your business and your talent
At Connecting You, we know that staying competitive in the 21st century economy requires businesses to overcome many challenges every day. One of the biggest challenges is ensuring that your workforce has the skills, talent, and flexibility to enable your success. The public workforce development system can help you address all of your talent needs.
Connecting You is an all-encompassing platform that grows alongside you! Make today the day that you start exploring all our vibrant job market has to offer. Come post a job, search for the talent that you need, and connect with job seekers who are qualified for you positions and ready to work.